About our School

Located in Sydney’s Northern Beaches, Oxford Falls Grammar is a co-educational school with an inspiring and dynamic Christian foundation for children from Kindergarten through to Year 12. With 1,200 students and over 30 years of educating young lives, we continue to enjoy outstanding results in academia, sports, visual and performing arts.

Our Ethos

For Greatness

Developing confident servant-hearted people of strong character, purpose and attitude

For Excellence

Empowering our community to aspire, learn and work to achieve their full potential

For Christ

Providing a positive and meaningful experience of Christian faith, hope and life

Our Vision

To develop in each child their unique qualities, equipping them to enjoy a successful, Christ-centred life.

Our Mission

To provide Christ-centered educational excellence, encompassing the spiritual, physical, emotional and academic development of each student.

The Co-educational Advantage

Reflecting the world in which we live, work and play, co-education brings many benefits in preparing our students for our complex and evolving world.

Co-education provides a real-world environment for boys and girls to grow and learn together, relate to each other and on a daily basis live out the basics of respect, co-operation, kindness and equality. Students share leadership and academic opportunities, benefiting from equal involvement in sports, camps and co-curricular pursuits.

Co-education normalises and demystifies gender, reduces stereotypes, promotes appropriate behaviours and perspectives and ultimately prepares our graduates for the real world of university and the workplace into which they move.

Meet Rommi below and hear how OFG builds a co-educational community from the people who know it best, our students.


Dr Peter Downey’s desire is to see our students learn to “do life well”; to lead the staff in guiding our students to stretch academically and grow in Christian character as they navigate the complexities of life in the evolving 21st Century.


Dr Peter Downey


Dr Downey is excited and inspired to lead the Oxford Falls Grammar community. Having worked in independent education for over thirty years and with a background as a teacher of English, History and Christian Studies, Dr Downey has also served in a variety of leadership roles; as Tutor, Year Coordinator, Director of Public Relations and Enrolments, Deputy Pastoral Care, Deputy Principal, Executive Strategist and Acting Principal. He has written several internationally published books on parenting, marriage and the Christian faith, and he also served as the Chairman of the NSW Deputy Principal’s Network for HICES (Heads of Coeducational Independent Schools in New South Wales).

Dr Downey holds the degrees of Bachelor of Education, Master of Arts in Education, Master of Educational Leadership, Diploma of Biblical Studies and Doctorate in Education. He is committed to developing and building on the strong foundations Oxford Falls Grammar already has in academic excellence, pastoral care and co-curricular opportunity.

Dr Downey brings a wealth of knowledge, strong and steady leadership and extensive experience to our school community, and he is proud to lead an exemplary group of professional educators and colleagues at Oxford Falls Grammar.

School Executives

Mrs Juliette Siemsen

Head of Senior School, BEd

Mrs Juliette Siemsen has been a dedicated and enthusiastic educator for over 25 years. Her career started at Northholm Grammar School in Arcadia as a Senior HSIE Teacher. Mrs Siemsen then worked at Waverley College, St Catherine’s School and the prestigious Kambala Rose Bay, as Head of House and Senior HSIE Teacher. She commenced at Oxford Falls Grammar in 2005 and in 2006 became the Director of Wellbeing Years 7-12. Mrs Siemsen’s educational philosophy focuses on meeting the needs of students in the 21st Century and encouraging student engagement across all levels and contexts. She is passionate about her current role as Head of Senior School where she values a relational model of leadership whilst remaining focused on the core vision, mission and values of Oxford Falls Grammar.

Mrs Amy Corrigan

Head of Junior School BEd (Primary)

Mrs Amy Corrigan has been a passionate part of the Oxford Falls Grammar community for twenty three years as both a student and teacher. Prior to leading the Junior School, Mrs Corrigan’s interest for creative curriculum propelled her to lead her grade and in an executive role overseeing the K-6 Curriculum. In 2014 she was appointed the Dean of Stage 3, which included the professional and pastoral care of both staff and students. As a leader she holds a strong belief in the importance of rich learning experiences for all students and the vital role of wellbeing in education. Mrs Corrigan brings this experience to her role as Head of Junior School, having led the staff to implement changes in literacy programming and instruction across Kindergarten to Year 6. She is an advocate for differentiated learning and is passionate about the importance of a high quality Junior School education.

Mr Graham Baikie

Head of Operations, BEc, CA, MFin, GAICD

Mr Graham Baikie came to Oxford Falls Grammar with extensive professional and leadership experience in the financial services and education sectors. He has demonstrated passion for the role Christian education has in equipping young people with a Christian worldview that underpins educational excellence. Mr Baikie oversees the Support Services functions at the School and is supported by a Management Team comprising the Director of Finance, Director of IT, Director of Human Resources, Registrar, Marketing Manager, Property Manager, and Office Manager.

Christianity in Action

Through active involvement in a caring and dynamic Christian Faith community, genuine individual experiences are accumulated as students see Christianity ‘lived in practice’ by their peers and teachers.

Under the guidance of our School Community Chaplain, Christian Studies Teacher and Youth Chaplains, students develop into self-aware, respectful, and mindful adults. Our contemporary Christian study program teaches students in an engaging, meaningful and relevant way about God and His love for them. We believe each child should feel valuable and loved, with a sense of purpose and identity.

Outreach program

Our Christian ethos is demonstrated through the OFG Outreach Program. It is a K-12 philanthropic initiative that seeks to raise money for less fortunate children and communities across Australia and Asia. In Year 10 and 11, students have the opportunity to participate in an annual overseas mission trip. OFG fosters a strong culture of generosity. We believe it is important to encourage students to think beyond themselves and to help others around them.

Quality Teaching

Quality Teaching Program

Teacher quality is hugely influential on your child’s educational success. OFG’s Quality Teaching Program drives innovative, professional development for every teacher in a collaborative, supportive environment. This is an exciting initiative with a direct impact on positive student engagement and learning.

Dr Sue Marks, the Director of Teaching and Learning has implemented SaLT (Sharing and Learning Teams), the Quality Teaching Program at OFG. SaLT aims to develop a professional learning community where teachers are encouraged to reflect on and develop their teaching knowledge and practice for improved student outcomes.

Discover the inspiration, experience and lives of OFG teachers through our podcast TiC ToT (Teachers in Conversation, Transforming our Thinking). Hear Dr Sue Marks chat with a variety of Senior and Junior school teachers each fortnight via Spotify HERE.

3C’s Model

OFG Senior School teachers encourage students to exercise particular behaviours that enable effective learning and improve their academic achievement. The learning behaviours fall into three domains: Cognition, Collaboration and Commitment


In the Cognition domain, behaviours such as questioning assumptions, imagining and critical reflection engage students in the learning process as creators, rather than consumers of ideas.


Collaboration instills the importance of working effectively with others, where students demonstrate reliability and empathy with their peers.


A Commitment to learning is an important part of the model, representing perseverance, self-belief, focus and effective planning so student learning is not shallow and sporadic.

CAFÉ Model

In the Junior School, our literacy focus was ignited through the CAFÉ model an acronym for Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expanding vocabulary. Differentiated instruction across these four pillars have fostered a love of reading throughout the Junior School and improved independent learning.

Encouragement – Leadership – Teamwork – Assertiveness – Empathy – Reliability – Listening – Humility
EMOTIONS AND WILL Effort – Focus – Revision – Perseverance – Self-belief – Planning – Risk-taking – Absorption
MIND Questioning – Reasoning – Analysis – Observation – Independence – Imagination – Connecting – Reflection

Our Board

2023 OFG Annual Report

Mr Ian Harry                Chair of the Board
Mrs Tracey Berry         Director
Mr Darren Cox             Director
Mr Clyde Daish            Director
Mr Paul Macken          Director
Mrs Pam O’Flaherty    Director
Mr Sam Richards         Director
Ps Caley Korocz           President’s Delegate
Ps Phil Pringle              Emeritus President

Our Heritage

Oxford Falls Grammar was founded in 1984 under the vision of Ps Phil Pringle (Senior Minister, C3 Church Oxford Falls) to build a Christian school intentional in its spiritual direction and offering a contemporary, quality education. Today, Ps Phil Pringle is the President and founding member of the School Board and continues to support the progression and development of OFGS as we provide Christ-centred educational excellence.


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